Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Medical Statistics Made Easy by Gordon Taylor

Medical Statistics Made Easy

It is not necessary to know how to do a statistical analysis to critically appraise a paper. However, it is necessary to have a grasp of the basics, of whether the right test has been used and how to interpret the resulting figures. Short, readable, and useful, this book provides the necessary, basic information without becoming bogged down in the mathematical detail that often puts so many readers off statistics. It covers all the ground necessary to critically evaluate the statistical elements of medical research papers in an approachable way. This book is designed for healthcare students and professionals who need a basic definition and knowledge of common statistical terms.

Print Length: 114 pages
Publisher: Informa Healthcare; 1 edition (March 20, 2007)
Language: English
ASIN: B000OT80M2

direct link for download(pdf):